Ideas to products
Our Product Development Portfolio
4H Licensed Plush
Glory Be was first licensed by the USDA for 4-H plush in 1999. During the Centennial Celebration of 4-H in 2002 Glory Be developed a full line of animals in addition to their premiere introduction of Centennial Bear.
Key Spouse
Along with the wife of the Air Force General, Glory Be developed a program to recognize Key Spouses of the Air Force.
Operation Military Kids
During the height of overseas deployments, Glory Be provided sling bags, pens, journals, and other kit items for families of the deployed left at home. Glory Be created and patented a photo dog for children so that they could have a water-resistant photo of their deployed parent. This was done in conjunction with the U.S. Army Child and Youth Services.
Stay Connected
Creator Steve Bolt CEO of Glory Be designed an all-inclusive Stay Connected program with the Chief of Airman and Family Services for the United States Air Force. These kit items were designed, manufactured, and shipped to Air Bases all over the world by Glory Be.
Brisky Bear
As many organizations were rushing to help deployed families, Glory Be saw the need to address the issues of anxiety and separation being felt by the thousands of children left behind while mom or dad was deployed. Be Kind, Be Thankful, Be Friendly was created by Glory Be in 2007.
Non Profit and For Profit Development
In addition to creating our own line of plush for military families, the Glory Be team has provided plush for other non-profits serving military families.
FFA Bear
The Glory Be team has also provided plush for other organizations such as FFA, a career and technical student organization, based on classes that promote and support agricultural education.